V0.56 is the latest stable version of Wechaty, it is recommended to be upgraded for all developers.

npminstall wechaty@0.56

v0.56 (2021-01-25)

Full Changelog

Highlights for v0.56

1. New Wechaty Puppet Services

  1. Published Wechaty Puppet Service
  2. Published Wechaty Puppet Service: PadLocal
  3. Published Wechaty Puppet Service: WxWork
  4. Published Wechaty Puppet Service: Paimon
  5. Published Wechaty Puppet Service: Donut

2. New Wechaty Puppets

  1. Published Puppet: Official-Account
  2. Published Puppet: Gitter.im
  3. Published Puppet: Lark
  4. Published Puppet: Whatsapp

3. New Wechaty Languages

  1. Published Python Wechaty
  2. Published Go Wechaty
  3. Published Java Wechaty
  4. Published .NET Wechaty
  5. Published PHP Wechaty
  6. Published Scala Wechaty

Implemented enhancements:

  • Switch from wechaty-puppet-hostie to wechaty-puppet-service #2122
  • Add wechaty-puppet-padlocal to our puppet config #2102
  • Use message.talker\(\) to replace message.from\(\) #2094
  • Create a looseInstanceOfClass to check FileBox and Puppet instances #2090
  • Issue with batch operation on room loading process #2068
  • Support more properties on contact #2036
  • Refactoring Multi-instance Wechaty Design: Try to remove the Accessory class and related codes #2027
  • Use Typed-Emitter in Wechaty #2014
  • Support WECHATY_HOSTIE_PORT environment variable #1984
  • Wechaty v0.23 PadPro Testing, an enhanced pad puppet implementation! #1668
  • Using wechaty to start a wechatOA account #1016

Fixed bugs:

  • FileBox instance type checking problem #2035
  • Wechaty.off() not work: can not remove listeners. #2019
  • friendship.contact() will load Contact only, contact.ready() is wanted. #1954

Closed issues:

  • 不能登录,也没显示二维码就直接退出 #2099
  • Can’t login after scan the qrcode #2092
  • 网络不好程序自动重启后推送异常 #2088
  • Message.forward() does not support returning a message #2073
  • bot.Friendship.add() 总是报错 #2060
  • 在使用FileBox 发送视频时候出现问题 #2059
  • The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. #2058
  • When setting up hostie token gateway, Account was locked after 5 getContactInfo call within a second. #2040
  • Support phone related operations #2037
  • BREAKING CHANGES: remove hotImport support from wechaty #1997
  • 微信安装 #1990
  • Cannot read property ‘QQ’ of undefined #1982
  • Need upgrade wechaty-puppet@0.25.7 version for wechaty #1980
  • The qrcode all the time timeout #1977
  • Upgrade wechaty-puppet-hostie@0.7.10 for fix the bug of friendship.accpet() #1966
  • 23:42:53 SILL GrpcGateway callback type:【invalid-token】 #1959
  • 准备支持企业微信群吗 #1958
  • node-pre-gyp WARN #1953
  • How to filter official account numbers #1951
  • Update wechaty-puppet-hostie version for wechaty #1948
  • Is that you? #1942
  • ipad WeChat login will automatically log out, The returned QR code is invalid, you cannot log in again, you must restart #1940
  • New version release notes for wechaty 0.38 #1937
  • Can the receive the recall “ room-leave”. #1745
  • Refactor message.ts file to fit the requirement in CodeClimate #1663
  • Want to get information about sent-out message #1501

Merged pull requests:

Join us

  1. Join our community discussion on Gitter: https://gitter.im/wechaty/wechaty
  2. Read our blog posts: https://wechaty.js.org/blog
  3. Getting started with Wechaty now: https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty-getting-started
  4. Interested in working with us? Join our team!

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